With TruckPol closed, who will investigate crime?

Since the closure of TruckPol earlier this year, the Road Haulage Association has been working hard to address the gaping hole.

RHA head of security Chris Rampley says that a three way approach between itself, a private analytical service and the police is the most likely model to be adopted.

Rampley also says, on the policing side, that Nottinghamshire Police force has offered a lifeline to haulers with the decision to establish a specialist freight crime division under its National Business Crime Forum (NBCF). The NBCF is a cross sector initiative launched in October last year bringing together the police, the private sector, the Home Office and other key industries to tackle the impact of crime on businesses.

Sergeant Richard Stones is leading the operation and is urging UK hauliers and police forces to report any freight crime to ensure a constant data record is kept, and RHA is keen to play a greater role in the fight against freight crime, providing a link between hauliers and police.